Other Items for You To Squander Your Cash On...
Ultimate Treehouses
Whatever concept you have in mind or however you envision your ideal treetop retreat, these guys will envision it with you and come up with CAD drawings and ideas to suit and then make your dream become a reality. They also create hobbit holes and play areas too so be sure to check them out.
Turbospoke Exhaust System
Turn your kids bike into a realistic sounding motorbike with this mountable little exhaust which can be tuned for up to 6 different realistic exhaust sounds. Doesn't require batteries, it has a soundcard which converts noise from the spokes into a roaring exhaust noise.
Super Mario Nano Building Blocks
Don't let the legend that is "Super Mario" be lost in time, introduce your child to the retro classic with some educational building blocks that create a work of art that you would be proud to have sit anywhere in your home. They build, you reap the rewards, everyone's a winner.
Venom Power Pack And Stand
Play harder for longer with this 10,000mAh Snap on battery pack. It looks sleek too. To put the battery life into context, the Nintendo Switch comes with an internal 4,310mAh so you will have triple the playing power. Kickstand is nice and sturdy and it a crisp blue LED power indicator so you know when its going to die.
Super Mario Costume Kit
Cut the sibling rivalry and dress up in these awesome fancy dress outfits of Mario and Luigi. Be careful when jumping down pipes or exploring hidden castles though, please seek parents permission. The kit comes with all you need to create cool outfits as seen in the picture.