Awesome Gifts For Gamers 2020

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Gamers are the athletes of the tech world. A heroic amount of time is dedicated to button bashing and crate crunching. Here we have sourced some gifts and gadgets to help you or a loved one floss like a boss. Things that they can use alongside gaming. If your teen spends half of his life playing computer games then he will love you for considering his passion and making his gaming experience even more enjoyable than it already is.
GPD GamePad Digital XD Plus
A truly impressive bit of gaming kit. It supports games from consoles such as Gamecube, PlayStation, PSP, Nintendo 64, Gameboy, Dreamcast and many more which can be easily downloaded through the app "happy chick". Boasts an awesome 5.1 inch touchscreen and is 1080p.
Official Legend Of Zelda Alarm Clock
Start your day like your beginning a magical quest in the kingdom of Hyrule. Or just getting up having a coffee and heading off to work. At least you will feel a little more like a hero waking up to the official sounds from the Zelda game. Unique Tri-force Alarm clock
RS 07 Mini Arcade
This looks like something off "honey i shrunk the kids". Tiny retro gaming but don't be fooled by its size. The RS 07 Mini comes packed with a whopping 500 classics and the ability to upload your own via the sd card slot. Also connect two of them together by the included link cable to share the fun with a mate.